Saturday, February 21, 2009

asalammualaikom love,

noradila bt. jalehan.

i love you more than others.
i love you more than i love my bags.
i love you more than i love my shoes.
i love you more than i love myself.

because only you care about me. only you think about me and you always said. "kau jangan jadi gatal macam aku. aku ni sememangnya lawa dari ko dan ko lagi pandai dari aku jadi..ko study betul-betul dan jaga aku nanti."
hahaha..thank you kak ngah.

she make me feel better. much better.

-the end-

Thursday, February 19, 2009

second love.

love is not like you think. i jus wondering why people always asking me why don't you involve with love (cinta between boy and girl). and now i like to ask the person that asking me with this silly questions.
"what means by love?"

actually it's hard for me to involve with this serious relationship. i'm unfaithful person. *haha. NO LAH! saya baik. but i jus can't make it. i like to conquer his life when we get 'married' and i'll keep waiting for call and masej from him.
*boring act.

*SHAHIRAN..sorry coz make ur life 'suffer' i think..when u with me. when u let me go..i always hope u can find someone else. u tak terdera lagi. haha :)

-the end of love-


love..i know,
you like me as your friend,
so..please give me that chance. know,
i love love love you so much,
but you still with your words.

let's continue with be a best friend.
till the end..

we just friend FULLSTOP!

*i hate u!! but i still love u coz i'm such a stupidest person when came to love.

Monday, February 2, 2009

anoyying!! haha.

nurrabbul azza binti mazlan!

she like making me 'men+yampah=menyampah gila' with her style and stuff!! AZZZA!! stop it major loser!!
haha..and now she forcing me to update my blog. HEI you azza..this blog all mine ok..and i'll take care of them!
wat ever major loser!!
but i still need u in my life for me to 'men+yampah=menyampah gila' dekat orang.
haha :)

*p/s : ambik ko azza. nk jugak aku tabuk gambar. cukup tak satu? ke ko nak lagi? babe!! aku sayang gilak kat ko dan sorry tak letak gambar ko dulu..sorry sesangat!!!!